I worked out today and yesterday and have been feeling really great about it all. I have seen some changes on the scale too (whoo hoo!) but don't want to report anything on here until my official Saturday weigh-in. :) We'll see if it really is as good as it seems.
I found a new website you guys should check out! It's called Loseit. I don't even remember how I found it, but it's free and it has been a great resource. You can enter in your weight and personal information and everything and it tells you (based on the info you put in) how many calories are healthy for you to eat a day based on your goals.
I said my goal is to lose two pounds a week (ambitious, I know) so it says based on my current weight and goal weight, I should attain my goal on July 18, 2012.
My original goal was to be my goal weight by June 1. Although I'm still aiming for that date, I'll take July 18th too. As long as I can reach my goal, I will be a happy camper. :)
Speaking of that, I was thinking about possibly saving money for a BodyBugg. I've heard really great things about them, but would love to hear your input on them. Any thoughts? Anything comparable that you think might be better? :) I'm open to ideas.
Anyway, I am going to go do some leg exercises while I watch Gossip Girl. Have a great night everybody!
I love loseit! I have that app on my iphone and also the bodybugg is an AMAZING weight loss tool. I love mine. My good friend Emily lost over 100 pounds using hers.