Jenny Brown became Jenny Green after meeting a boy named David

Friday, February 10, 2012

Chirp...Chirp... Chirp

Wow, it's been like crickets on my blog lately! I apologize for not getting back to you all in a long time. :) I'll try to not do that again...

So what's been going on with me?

Well, I started my weight loss journey again. I fell off the wagon for a couple weeks but I am getting back on it and full force this time. I started on Monday (Feb. 6) and weighed in at an obscene number. I can't even talk about it. But I can talk about what I am changing! :)

I am doing Weight Watchers, but not officially. By that I mean, I downloaded an app called My Score Plus and am using it to aid my weight loss. My cousin recommended it to me and I have to say, I really like it. It's a little confusing to use at first, but it basically follows the same point system as Weight Watchers Plus... minus the fees, weekly meetings and so on. It was $3.99 and I would recommend it if you are looking for a way to frugally lose weight.

Anyway, it's been really interesting changing my eating habits. Before, I ate really bad. Now? I am basically living off salad, vegetables, yogurt, water, and so on. I'm still trying to figure out my eating routine but like I said, it's really interesting seeing how many points I was eating per meal before (the app helps you figure that all out, and you don't need the internet at all, so no excuses!). So gross.

I am on day five as of today and I do not want to give weight loss statuses until my weekly Monday weigh-ins (my choice, my bathroom scale, just me). I am still self conscious over my weight so maybe once I start seeing huge results I will share them more often then once a week. 

Until then, you will all have to weight in suspense until Monday. :)

 Have a great weekend everyone!

I am DETERMINED to meet my weight loss goal. I AM going to lose 67 pounds. I don't care when it is, whether its a week, a month, or a year from now. I am sick of living self-consciously about my body. I am going to be STRONG, HEALTHY, and IN SHAPE.