Jenny Brown became Jenny Green after meeting a boy named David

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12: Daily Thankful

Today I am thankful for my promotion! I know I've been talking about it a lot lately, but each day brings something new and different!

For example, I had my first day of Business College today (the 4-week training program) and it was really fun! It was a lot of review toward the end, but I am going through the program with a friend of mine so that helps. She and I have, in the last year, had similar career developments, so it's nice to relate to someone so closely.

Today I also found out where my new store is and what my new title is!! I am officially the ETL-Logistics at Cascade Station (by the airport). Wednesday, I will begin my on-the-job training at Washington Square before I transition full-time to the Cascade Station store!

It's a huge honor to be selected as a Logistics ETL because, from what I seen, it is a position that most ETLs don't step into until their enrolled for two or more years. I have a lot of great ideas and look forward to getting to know a new team, new store, and new process!

That being said, I would appreciate prayers for a smooth transition and warm welcome to my training and permanent stores.

(Side note: For those who are unsure, ETL Logistics is the person in charge of the team who receives and unloads merchandise from the distribution centers and stocks the sales floor before the store opens.)

I'll keep you posted on my training a! I get my training schedule and more HR-related information tomorrow do it should be really informative! :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 11: Daily Thankful

Today I am thankful, first and foremost, to our service men and women. I am so grateful to lead the life I do because of the sacrifice that our service families make. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am also thankful for so many little blessings that I often take for granted. For example, today I was blessed with a pumpkin cheesecake and a jar of homemade salsa (seriously, the best salsa in the history of the world) from one of my managers as a goodbye gift.

I was also randomly blessed with a free venti chai latte, one of my favorite drinks of all time.

I was blessed with so many sweet words and kind feedback from my Sherwood team. I'll miss them all so much!

Week 6: Daily Weigh In

Yesterday was my week six weigh in and I am SO happy to announce that I lost three pounds this week! I am getting closer and closer to my weight loss goal and it has been a blast to see the scale going further and further down.

I am also so proud to say that I officially hit my high school weight this week! I thought I might based off my weighing in earlier this week but it's official! I weigh what I weighed in high school! Whoo hoo!!!

My sister comes home from Arizona in 9 days and I would love to be a few pounds lighter! Next Saturday will be a fun weigh in! I can't wait!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 10: Daily Thankful

Today I am thankful for change. It's been a surreal experience getting ready to move stores for my promotion. Tomorrow is my last day at the Sherwood store, a store I started at 2.5 years ago! I can't believe how blessed I've been to take this next step in my career, but I'm nervous! I am so used to everything in my store, but I know I'll find my groove at a new store.

I started cleaning out my office today so tomorrow I won't have to juggle that with saying goodbye to so many friends. That will be tough but I can't even tell you how excited I am to be doing this! It's all so scary and exciting! I think I find out what store I'm moving to on Monday! I can't wait!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

November 8 and 9: Daily Thankful

I am grouping these together because they both revolve around the same thing!

Yesterday, I had my final interview for a promotion I've been working toward and dreaming about since I started with Target 4.5 years ago. I got off the phone after my interview and literally started jumping up and down in my office and squealing like a banshee. Excitement was pouring out of me because I knew I nailed the interview.

I started interviewing in early October and had six different interviews to get through. Two were "unofficial" with my HR and store manager to assure I was ready but, interviews nonetheless.

Today I got the official word that I passed and am promoted to an Executive Team Leader! I can't believe it and am so thankful and grateful for this opportunity.

I will have my last day at my current store on Sunday night and Monday I begin my training at the Target District office! I won't know what store I am going to be working at until Tuesday though so stay tuned! :)

A HUGE thanks to everyone who prayed and supported me to get to this position! David and I are so excited and I am so proud to call myself an Executive Team Leader!

50 Likes and 21 comments?! Wow! I am SO blessed to have this amazing support!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

An Unofficial Weigh In

This is not official, until my official weigh in, but if I don't gain weight until then...

I have reached my high school weight!

This evening I stepped on the scale and a number greeted me I haven't seen since my senior year of high school.

I can't wait for Saturday's official weigh in.

Oh man.

What a good day. 

November 7: Daily Thankful

Today I am especially thankful to be married to such an amazing man. Why, you ask? Today officially marks 2.5 years since we said, "I do!"

I can't believe it has been that long already. I still think of us as newlyweds and are as happy and in love as ever. I don't know why people say there is a "honeymoon" period, because honestly, that feeling has never left us.

I am so grateful for the hilarious, sweet, caring, Godly, creative, and romantic man God put in my life. He is my best friend and is SO loved by me.

Today I got home from work and saw this note on Facebook. He knows one of my favorite things is getting buried under a pile of warm, clean laundry...
Did I get a keeper or what? 

*Happy sigh*

November 6: Daily Thankful

Today I am most thankful for my Dad!!! Today was his birthday and I am so grateful David and I were able to spend some time with him this evening.

My dad is one of my bigger heroes. He is the most loving, caring and supportive person EVER, and I'm blessed enough to call him Dad. :)

He's taught me so much about life, love, and family and I know he inspires those around him.

I love you Dad SO SO SO SO much!! Happy birthday!! :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5: Daily Thankful

Today I am thankful that the Lord always provides for us. David found out today that he got one of three full time positions at Apple!! This is such a financial blessing and we are excited to pay off some of those gross school loans we have.

I am so proud of him and so thankful for this opportunity the Lord orchestrated for him.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 4: Daily Thankful

Today I am thankful for a few things (well, a lot of things, but a few specifically)...

I thankful for the extra hour of sleep!
I am thankful for Sephora gift cards that allow me to get new fancy makeup!
I am thankful for losing weight and how I am 0.1 pounds away from my high school weight. I am also thankful to be losing weight alongside my husband and best friend! 

Today has been a good day. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings!

Goodnight all!

November 3: Daily Thankful

I did not post this yesterday because we were at our friends house, but that's exactly why I am thankful!

I am thankful for friends to watch movies with, stay up with laughing, and play board games with!

Yesterday David and I met up with our good friends from George Fox (my old roommate, Keri, and her husband, Josh) and watched "Flight" at Cinetopia. (Horrible movie, FYI. I would not recommend it. The entire movie is about Denzel's Washington's character's drinking problem. Seriously. Two and a half hours of that. Shoo.)

It was a fun experience to have together though. Keri and I kept whispering in the theater saying it was not at all what we expected. Hilarious.

Then, we went to their cute little Newberg house and watched the Duck and Beaver games, while playing cards and a board game called Qwirkle. It was really fun!

We ended up hanging out with them until 2:30 in the morning. We were all up talking and dreaming about business ideas and watching videos of Keri and me as freshman. Oh man were we weird haha!

We had such a great time and I am thankful for their Godly, fun, hilarious, close friendship.

It's amazing how God can orchestrate people into our lives (freshman roommates) that can be such long-lasting, amazing friends! 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week 5: Down 4.8!

What an awesome way to start and end a new week! I was excited to step on the scale today because I knew I had made healthy food choices this week, and paired with all the walking I do at work, I knew I was taking steps in the right direction of weight loss Steps...walking a lot... Get it? :)

But really, the impact of the food we eat is crazy. We aren't garbage disposals. The more bad food we eat, the worse we will feel. The better the food is for us, the better we feel. It's a simple concept that trips so many people up. Believe me, eating chicken and salads every day makes me want to scream. But I'd rather eat those salads and see the changes taking place in my body than inhale a few items from Taco Bell and feel horrible, guilty, and unhealthy later.

I lost 4.8 pounds this week. With this weeks weigh in, I've lost 26 pounds! In the last 5 weeks, I've lost about 17! It's amazing what a little sacrifice, dedication, and motivation can do.

(PS. David lost 3 pounds this week and has a total weight loss of 32 pounds!!)

November Daily Thanksfuls

Good morning all and happy November! Can you believe we are just a few shorts weeks from Christmas?! Where has the year gone? So many fun memories in 2012, and SO SO SO much to be thankful for. I've seen a lot of people posting their daily Thanksfuls for November and I wanted to too. Each day I will post one thing I'm thankful for. I encourage you to do the same. :)

November 1: I am thankful for spontaneous double dates that end with us spending hours talking and catching up (until 2 am to be exact!)

November 2: I am thankful for a job that has blessed me with so many opportunities, promotions, experience and friends

Stay tuned for each thankful! :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Our Favorite Fall Tradition

Four years ago, David and I went to The Haunted Corn Maize at Sauvie's Island as part of a floor event at George Fox. We had so much fun that it sparked our favorite Fall tradition!

Each year we've gone to a corn maze, and each year we forge our way through the maze, laughing, slipping in the mud and navigating in circles.

Today we went to a nearby farm to go through the corn maze. We lucked out and had no rain to deal with, but our boots were well appreciated in the muddy dirt. We had so much fun and were even acting like spies to avoid running into another group of people. Here are some highlights from our day:

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week 4: UP THREE!?

Disclaimer: This is going to be short and sweet because I have to get ready for work soon.

Well, today was my four week weigh in! I am sad to announce that I gained three pounds. I've been doing so well that seeing this number is disappointing, but I can't say I am surprised. Poor food choices, lack of exercise due to me being cold, and my TOM, it was a recipe for a rough week. Today is a new day though and I am excited to see where I land next week.

Because this is a weight loss journey, I know there will be days or weeks where I gain, and there will be days and weeks where I lose. The important part is that I dust myself off, and strive to do better this week.

Happy rainy Saturday everyone! :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Hello blogger friends! I am just coming to you with a prayer request. David and I both have great work opportunities opening up for us, pending the interviews we have this week, and if you think to we would love an extra prayer or two!

I had two interviews on Monday, which I passed, and my final interview is on Friday! David also has an interview today.

If we both pass (hopefully we will know by the end of the week), it would be a huge help financially.

I'll keep you posted and thank you so so much for any prayers you send our way!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week 3: Down 3.8 and Some Advice

Another great week at the Green household! Yesterday morning was our week three weigh in, and we were both pleasantly surprised to see we had both lost 3.8 pounds!!

Earlier in the week, I was nervous to weigh in on Saturday, not because I had cheated and grabbed a slice of pizza; rather, I was nervous because I had not seen a big weight drop on the scale throughout the week. That is where daily weigh ins can be tricky. Our bodies are constantly changing which means our weight is constantly fluctuating. For example, if you wake up and jump right on the scale, it may differ greatly if you were to get up, go to the bathroom, and then step on the scale. Or, it can differ greatly if you are nearing your TOM, if you weigh in at different times, weigh in on different scales... it can be crazy!

My biggest advice to you is to establish a weigh-in routine. Weigh in at the same time, the same way, and on the same scale every week. It can be the difference between a few ounces or a couple pounds. Trust me. Weighing in can be stressful enough, especially if you are not getting accurate numbers.

My second piece of advice, and one that I often find myself struggling with, is to not get hung up on the number staring back at you on the scale. You are more than a number. This past week, I kept feeling discouraged to see a slight gain or minimal loss. That discouraging feeling is an easy way to fall off track, give in to the temptation of binge eating on fast food, or quitting altogether. I even had to have David talk me out of wanting to grab bad food a couple times. Which brings me to a third and fourth piece of advice.

Third: Have a support system. Whether you are counting calories, doing a weight loss program like Weight Watchers or Take Shape for Life, or simply lacing up your tennis shoes and going for a daily run... a support system can make or break you! I do not believe I could be doing this weight loss routine without David. His sister has been a huge, huge help too! She's lost a ton of weight and has totally inspired David and I to continue. Check her weight loss story out here. Having them to help encourage me, push me, and share recipes, has been an awesome part of this journey.

Fourth piece of advice: Relish in non scale victories (NSV). These are often more important than our numeric weight. These are those moments off the scale, where your realize your weight loss journey is working. For example, some of my NSV include my wedding ring easily sliding on and off (I used to not be able to get it off), wearing a belt on my skinny jeans, fitting into a size XL MEDIUM shirt when shopping, and dropping two pant sizes. These can encourage us on a week-to-week basis, despite the weight we lose/gain that week.

Finally, figure out what your triggers are. What makes you over-eat or make poor eating choices to begin with? Is it a lack of planning what your meals should be so you grab whatever is convenient? Is it you being unable to cook? Is it your busy lifestyle?

For me, I was always triggered to eat poorly if I was bored. For example, if I am bored at home, I am much more likely to pop a bag of popcorn, melt some butter and sprinkle on about 2 cups of salt and have a few bites eat the entire thing. By keeping myself busy and changing my thinking from food, to blogging, couponing, chores, calling friends, and so on, I can keep myself from pulling that food-trigger sparked by boredom.

Anyone else in that boat? How many people can open a bag of potato chips while watching their favorite TV show and before they know it, they are licking their fingers, unbuttoning their pants, and drifting off into a uncomfortable food coma? Anybody? Yeah. We've all done it.

These are probably the five most important pieces of advice I can give you right now. Establish a weigh in routine, understand you're more than a number, have a support system, celebrate NSV, and figure out and address your food triggers.

It's up to you to do this. No one else can make this change, and it has to be as much of a mental change as it is a physical change. But I promise you, when you step on that scale and finally see your goal weight, every salad, every workout, every day of struggle will be worth it.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Week 2: Down 2.4

Good afternoon everyone and happy Saturday! I hope this Oregon rain finds you all cozy and comfy. Going from 70 degree October weather to temperatures in the 50s, we are all aware that fall has finally come to Oregon.

Today I slept in but forced myself to wake up in order to officially weigh in. I was so excited to see where I ended my week and I am happy to report that this week I lost 2.4 pounds! 

That means, my overall weight loss from my heaviest weight last November has reached 20.4 pounds, and my weight loss since starting this most recent journey is 10.8 pounds!

I can't tell you the number of times I wish I could fast forward a few months so I could be closer to my goal. I know that it's a journey, but that "instant-gratification" mindset can make it difficult to stick with things.

Each week, I can see changes happen both on and off the scale, which drive my determination to let the process take as long as it takes. My energy is better, my clothes are looser, I do not feel as hungry all the time, and I certainly do not feel horrible after eating a salad like I had before after eating pizza, Chinese food, Mexican food, fast food... you get the idea.

I am so excited to see where this journey takes me. I know with patience and perseverance I will reach my goal and nothing will feel better. It is a personal accomplishment that will rank just as high as graduating Valedictorian, graduating college in 3 years with honors, and any promotions I receive at work.

This is something I am doing for me. I want this SO bad, and nothing will stand in my matter how long it takes. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


In the pursuit of health, David and I are giving up a lot when it comes to our food selection. No steaming, greasy, pepperoni-covered pizzas; no Clucks and Fries from Red Robin; and certainly no Moose Track ice cream. 

Because of our food revamp, we have been craving a lot of what has been replaced with salad and lean meat. I can't even tell you how many times we've turned to each other and said we have wanted Taco Bell, popcorn, or David's special request, Big Macs.

Are you starting to get an idea of how we were eating before we started eating better? It is no wonder we are unhappy about our weight. Open any cupboard in my kitchen or the refrigerator and you'd see foods such as those listed above. When that is present in your life, especially as often as it was in ours, it is not a mystery where those extra pounds are coming from.

David and I recently evaluated our grocery budget and I was horrifed to see how much we were spending. I actually felt sick to my stomach over it. Here I thought we were doing well and sticking to the budget we had given ourselves. Little did I know, all those quick stops to the store on my way home from work or those late night drive thru's would add up SO quickly. I challenge you to evaluate your grocery budget more closely. Are you spending your money wisely? We use Mint. If you haven't tried it, I highly suggest you do. It's eye-opening. Really.

So, we made a change. We cut all of that out. We've had one cheat day based off an interesting 13-hour workday I had last week, but we regretted it immediately. I have had nearly 23 years, and David has had 27 years to eat and enjoy all of that bad food. Cutting bad food out is the consequence of our indulgences over our entire lives. 

We aren't planning on having kids for a few years, but when we do, we want to be good examples. I want to be the mom who is outside playing with her kids. Some of my favorite memories from growing up were playing basketball in the driveway or volleyball in the yard with my parents until it was so dark we either had to turn on the headlights of the car or bring out a light. They coached my YMCA volleyball teams for years. Dad taught me how to dribble a basketball through the trashcans lined up in the garage. Mom and Dad would be in the bleachers watching my games, even if I didn't get to play.

I do not want to be the parents watching and not able to participate. I want to be as involved in my kids' life as my parents were in mine. It all starts now. I can keep eating bad, keep gaining weight, and restrict myself to being an onlooker in my own family's life. Or, I can ignore those stupid cravings, get off the couch, and make this change in my life now so I can enjoy my life to the fullest everyday from here on out (with or without kiddos running around). The choice is simple.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week 1: Down 8.6

Hey there! I am SO excited to report that we had our first official weigh in this morning! We decided to make Saturdays our official weigh in day.

We were pleasantly surprised to see major weight loss. We've been wanting to lose weight for the last year, but really starting going for it in July when we got back from a family vacation. We bounced around a little, and after a few failed attempts and restarting, we decided to go for it 100% with some encouragement from David's sister.

Now we are finally starting to see our results on the scale! Eating right, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and lots of little meals throughout the day actually made a difference!

So what were our results? Drumroll please....


Since our initial weigh in, David has lost 9.8 pounds and I have lost 8.6!!!

It has not been easy, but we are so excited to keep this momentum going and can't wait to see where we are on our next weigh in!

*NOTE: The Ticker on the top of my blog will track my overall weight loss since November 27, 2011. I weighed in at my heaviest weight EVER on this day so I want to see my improvements since then.

I will have a running total with my most recent weight loss on the upper right sidebar. I'll continue updating both so watch closely! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Wow, what an interesting couple days it has been! David and I, as promised, have completely revolutionized the way we eat, and boy, oh boy, it is not easy!

I never realized how dependent he and I were to those unhealthy, quick, convenient, inexpensive foods. We love(d) pizza, Taco Bell, Panda, Subway... the list could go on and on. For so long, our excuses were that we have too crazy of a work schedule (both working retail), we can't afford healthy food, we don't have time to prepare it, blah blah blah.

Although those statements are true, we do work weird schedules and rarely have time to sit and eat dinner together because of it. But! I think for a long time those were excuses we hid behind and used to justify ordering food or running through somewhere that was fast. 

How many of you fall in this category? How many of you also love the easy, instant foods that are so readily available for us? One thing I have already learned about this "diet" (more like, lifestyle change) is that our busy lives shouldn't dictate our health.

We decided to cut everything out that isn't healthy, nutritious, and protein packed from here on out. It has not been easy, but we are already seeing the difference it makes. David and I have both lost weight and are feeling better knowing we haven't ingested those "fake" foods. 

Last night I think was the toughest for both of us though. I kept joking how I wanted breadsticks with ranch (my favorite!) and he kept saying how bad he wanted a Big Mac. Instead of giving each other a silent nod and grabbing the car keys, we made ourselves busy and struggled together, laughing the entire time.

I think that's another thing I've learned so far in this process. It is SO important to have a good support system around you. Not only for those nights where you are dreaming of all the food you can't have, but to celebrate, encourage, and struggle with you every step of the way. I know that if I were going through this lifestyle change alone, I would not be successful and would probably give in to temptation all the time.

Having friends, family, a spouse/significant other to make these health changes with you is, in my opinion, is one of the most important parts of being healthy.

I encourage you, if you are wanting to, or in the process of, making a healthy change in your life, find someone to do it with. I am here too, if you ever need encouragement or someone to talk to. 

It all starts with you. You're the only one that can make or break your lifestyle change. But having people around you to help you on the hard and easy days, will make your journey so much easier and who knows, maybe you can inspire those around you to do the same?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Starts in the Kitchen

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope this day finds everyone well. I had the wonderful luxury of sleeping in today! A day off from work is usually my chance to catch up on all the sleep I miss throughout the other five days of the week.

Today I get to meet up with a friend before her and her new husband move to California to begin their life together. I had the privilege of attending their wedding with David this Friday and it was magical! I am SO happy for them and can't wait to follow their lives via Facebook and Instagram.

David and I are increasingly excited to see our weight loss journey take off. We plan on starting full-force on Saturday. We plan to stick to a "lean and green" style diet, drink a TON of water, get lots of sleep, and incorporate exercise along the way. I've seen a post on Pinterest that says, "70% of weight loss is in the kitchen. 30% is in the gym." If that is true, shouldn't we be putting more of a focus on what we put into our bodies, rather than what we are trying to accomplish in the gym?

I have noticed in previous weight loss attempts, when David and I focused on putting healthy, lean, fresh food in our bodies, we were more energetic, happier, and the numbers on the scale literally couldn't fall fast enough.

Then we got lazy. With both of us working retail, it is SO much easier to drive through Taco Bell, grab Subway, order a pizza, or run to Red Robin.

But is "easier" worth us giving up our dreams of reaching our weight loss goals? For a while, I would have answered an embarrassed "yes."


I made myself a promise (like so many of us) to lose weight in 2012. I still have 3 whole months to make dramatic changes to myself, and it all starts in the kitchen.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Is it Right?

David and I are so excited to begin our weight loss journey again. I always feel weird saying, "We're starting again..." because that indicates we failed before. The thing I have to keep in mind is that, even though we've had to restart X amount of times, we're still fighting for it. We are still brushing ourselves off and trying again.

My dad always said, "Browns can do anything if they just tried." Now that I a married, I modified it to say, "Greens can do anything if they just try" And I believe that.

David and I have been presented with a pretty awesome weight loss opportunity and we are praying and praying for guidance. I don't want to give details out right now, but maybe I will when we figure out if it's in God's plan for us. We are both excited and nervous, but we know God will show us the way! 

How is your weight loss going? Are you dieting? Adding exercise to your diet? What are you doing to stay on track?

I will be on again tomorrow to give you my "official" weigh in readings and thoughts around that. Hopefully the number isn't *too* high, but hey, we all have to start somewhere! :)

Happy Sunday!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Starting Fresh For Real.

Hey everyone! I can't believe it has been such a long time since I have written on here! I get in the habit of blogging in waves. I'll do really well and then fall of the wagon. I am determined to keep blogging though and use this as a way to keep you all posted on what is going on with David and I!

Right now... the biggest thing I want to talk about is our weight loss!

How it Began:

David and I decided to start a weight loss journey after we returned home from a family vacation to Shady Cove in July (July 17 to be exact). We decided the next day, we would start making better decisions when it came to exercising and eating right.

We have been doing okay. David and I have had really great streaks and have watched the weight just fall off, but I know we have gotten lazy lately. I want to use this blog right now to track MY journey (including updates on David's weight loss), hold myself accountable, and maybe encourage and inspire those reading to reach their goal weight too!

Currently, I have lost about 12 poundsI am going to start doing "official" weigh ins on Monday mornings, and update my progress on here then. I do have a MyFitnessPal I will update daily and would love some extra friends to help me through the journey I am on. Nothing like a little encouragement, right? MFP name: davidjenny)

Why I am SO Determined to Lose Weight:

On November 27, I weighed myself and saw a number I was devastated by. When did I, an athlete since I was in kindergarten, gain so much weight? That number I saw staring back at me from the scale was terrifying. I knew that I had to make a change then and there. It has been, and continues to be, a journey. Lot's of ups and downs, lots of "starting over" but NEVER, EVER giving up. 

Since that day in November, I have struggled with my body image. For me, getting to my goal weight would be the BEST thing I can do for MYSELF. I can't wait to look in the mirror and be satisfied with what I see. I am not depressed with how I look or anything like that, please don't misunderstand. I just know that I am not in the shape I could be. 

That being said, I have set a pretty lofty goal for myself. I am not going to tell you what I weighed at my heaviest, or what my goal is, but I do plan on blogging to let you know how I am doing with my weight loss! Maybe when I get to that point, I'll be a little more number specific. Until then, you'll just get to see what I lose! :)

Feel free to check back in. I'll be posting weight loss updates, any tips/tricks I learn, successes and failures, and eventually before and after pictures.

I need your encouragement, support, and accountability. Ask me how I am doing. If I am getting lazy or quiet on here, call me out. I need that community behind me and I am asking you to be that for me.

I am not telling myself it's going to be easy, I'm telling myself it will be worth it.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

David Green Media

Hey guys! As many of you know, my husband graduated from George Fox University with a degree in Cinema and Media Productions. He has always had a way with a video camera, and can capture and edit stories better than anyone. He is so passionate about what he does, and God made a way for him to afford his own camera earlier this year. Now, he wants to put it to use! :) 

Capture precious moments forever through video and creative editing. He's available for birthday parties, baby showers, weddings, corporate events, promotional videos, dance recitals, sporting events and more! 

His rates are really great and the quality of his work is amazing. 

Check out his website and see what sorts of things he's done recently, his rates, and his contact information. :)

Prepare to be amazed. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Chirp...Chirp... Chirp

Wow, it's been like crickets on my blog lately! I apologize for not getting back to you all in a long time. :) I'll try to not do that again...

So what's been going on with me?

Well, I started my weight loss journey again. I fell off the wagon for a couple weeks but I am getting back on it and full force this time. I started on Monday (Feb. 6) and weighed in at an obscene number. I can't even talk about it. But I can talk about what I am changing! :)

I am doing Weight Watchers, but not officially. By that I mean, I downloaded an app called My Score Plus and am using it to aid my weight loss. My cousin recommended it to me and I have to say, I really like it. It's a little confusing to use at first, but it basically follows the same point system as Weight Watchers Plus... minus the fees, weekly meetings and so on. It was $3.99 and I would recommend it if you are looking for a way to frugally lose weight.

Anyway, it's been really interesting changing my eating habits. Before, I ate really bad. Now? I am basically living off salad, vegetables, yogurt, water, and so on. I'm still trying to figure out my eating routine but like I said, it's really interesting seeing how many points I was eating per meal before (the app helps you figure that all out, and you don't need the internet at all, so no excuses!). So gross.

I am on day five as of today and I do not want to give weight loss statuses until my weekly Monday weigh-ins (my choice, my bathroom scale, just me). I am still self conscious over my weight so maybe once I start seeing huge results I will share them more often then once a week. 

Until then, you will all have to weight in suspense until Monday. :)

 Have a great weekend everyone!

I am DETERMINED to meet my weight loss goal. I AM going to lose 67 pounds. I don't care when it is, whether its a week, a month, or a year from now. I am sick of living self-consciously about my body. I am going to be STRONG, HEALTHY, and IN SHAPE.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back in it!

Good evening and happy Thursday everyone! I am happy to announce I am back in the swing of working out. You know, it never sounds that exciting to go, but afterward, how can you not feel good?! I did 30 minutes on the treadmill tonight, along with 15ish minutes lifting weights. Not a super long workout, but it felt great! I am back to watching my caloric intake (1335 a day is what I am allotted based on my personal goals with the help of and working out.

I'm so excited AND! I made a friend today working out. She actually graduated from George Fox five years ago and is living in our building. She's an elementary school teacher in Newberg and is actually best friends with a gal that David grew up going to church with. Such a small world!

It would be fun if we could be work out partners or something but I'm definitely not going to suggest that at this point, haha. I don't want to sound like a creep or anything. 

Anyway, I am off to go read and make some dinner now. But before I go, I'll leave you with some motivation to continue on with your new years resolutions... I am guessing I'm not the only one that wants to lose weight this year. :)