Jenny Brown became Jenny Green after meeting a boy named David

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12: Daily Thankful

Today I am thankful for my promotion! I know I've been talking about it a lot lately, but each day brings something new and different!

For example, I had my first day of Business College today (the 4-week training program) and it was really fun! It was a lot of review toward the end, but I am going through the program with a friend of mine so that helps. She and I have, in the last year, had similar career developments, so it's nice to relate to someone so closely.

Today I also found out where my new store is and what my new title is!! I am officially the ETL-Logistics at Cascade Station (by the airport). Wednesday, I will begin my on-the-job training at Washington Square before I transition full-time to the Cascade Station store!

It's a huge honor to be selected as a Logistics ETL because, from what I seen, it is a position that most ETLs don't step into until their enrolled for two or more years. I have a lot of great ideas and look forward to getting to know a new team, new store, and new process!

That being said, I would appreciate prayers for a smooth transition and warm welcome to my training and permanent stores.

(Side note: For those who are unsure, ETL Logistics is the person in charge of the team who receives and unloads merchandise from the distribution centers and stocks the sales floor before the store opens.)

I'll keep you posted on my training a! I get my training schedule and more HR-related information tomorrow do it should be really informative! :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 11: Daily Thankful

Today I am thankful, first and foremost, to our service men and women. I am so grateful to lead the life I do because of the sacrifice that our service families make. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am also thankful for so many little blessings that I often take for granted. For example, today I was blessed with a pumpkin cheesecake and a jar of homemade salsa (seriously, the best salsa in the history of the world) from one of my managers as a goodbye gift.

I was also randomly blessed with a free venti chai latte, one of my favorite drinks of all time.

I was blessed with so many sweet words and kind feedback from my Sherwood team. I'll miss them all so much!

Week 6: Daily Weigh In

Yesterday was my week six weigh in and I am SO happy to announce that I lost three pounds this week! I am getting closer and closer to my weight loss goal and it has been a blast to see the scale going further and further down.

I am also so proud to say that I officially hit my high school weight this week! I thought I might based off my weighing in earlier this week but it's official! I weigh what I weighed in high school! Whoo hoo!!!

My sister comes home from Arizona in 9 days and I would love to be a few pounds lighter! Next Saturday will be a fun weigh in! I can't wait!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 10: Daily Thankful

Today I am thankful for change. It's been a surreal experience getting ready to move stores for my promotion. Tomorrow is my last day at the Sherwood store, a store I started at 2.5 years ago! I can't believe how blessed I've been to take this next step in my career, but I'm nervous! I am so used to everything in my store, but I know I'll find my groove at a new store.

I started cleaning out my office today so tomorrow I won't have to juggle that with saying goodbye to so many friends. That will be tough but I can't even tell you how excited I am to be doing this! It's all so scary and exciting! I think I find out what store I'm moving to on Monday! I can't wait!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

November 8 and 9: Daily Thankful

I am grouping these together because they both revolve around the same thing!

Yesterday, I had my final interview for a promotion I've been working toward and dreaming about since I started with Target 4.5 years ago. I got off the phone after my interview and literally started jumping up and down in my office and squealing like a banshee. Excitement was pouring out of me because I knew I nailed the interview.

I started interviewing in early October and had six different interviews to get through. Two were "unofficial" with my HR and store manager to assure I was ready but, interviews nonetheless.

Today I got the official word that I passed and am promoted to an Executive Team Leader! I can't believe it and am so thankful and grateful for this opportunity.

I will have my last day at my current store on Sunday night and Monday I begin my training at the Target District office! I won't know what store I am going to be working at until Tuesday though so stay tuned! :)

A HUGE thanks to everyone who prayed and supported me to get to this position! David and I are so excited and I am so proud to call myself an Executive Team Leader!

50 Likes and 21 comments?! Wow! I am SO blessed to have this amazing support!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

An Unofficial Weigh In

This is not official, until my official weigh in, but if I don't gain weight until then...

I have reached my high school weight!

This evening I stepped on the scale and a number greeted me I haven't seen since my senior year of high school.

I can't wait for Saturday's official weigh in.

Oh man.

What a good day. 

November 7: Daily Thankful

Today I am especially thankful to be married to such an amazing man. Why, you ask? Today officially marks 2.5 years since we said, "I do!"

I can't believe it has been that long already. I still think of us as newlyweds and are as happy and in love as ever. I don't know why people say there is a "honeymoon" period, because honestly, that feeling has never left us.

I am so grateful for the hilarious, sweet, caring, Godly, creative, and romantic man God put in my life. He is my best friend and is SO loved by me.

Today I got home from work and saw this note on Facebook. He knows one of my favorite things is getting buried under a pile of warm, clean laundry...
Did I get a keeper or what? 

*Happy sigh*

November 6: Daily Thankful

Today I am most thankful for my Dad!!! Today was his birthday and I am so grateful David and I were able to spend some time with him this evening.

My dad is one of my bigger heroes. He is the most loving, caring and supportive person EVER, and I'm blessed enough to call him Dad. :)

He's taught me so much about life, love, and family and I know he inspires those around him.

I love you Dad SO SO SO SO much!! Happy birthday!! :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5: Daily Thankful

Today I am thankful that the Lord always provides for us. David found out today that he got one of three full time positions at Apple!! This is such a financial blessing and we are excited to pay off some of those gross school loans we have.

I am so proud of him and so thankful for this opportunity the Lord orchestrated for him.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 4: Daily Thankful

Today I am thankful for a few things (well, a lot of things, but a few specifically)...

I thankful for the extra hour of sleep!
I am thankful for Sephora gift cards that allow me to get new fancy makeup!
I am thankful for losing weight and how I am 0.1 pounds away from my high school weight. I am also thankful to be losing weight alongside my husband and best friend! 

Today has been a good day. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings!

Goodnight all!

November 3: Daily Thankful

I did not post this yesterday because we were at our friends house, but that's exactly why I am thankful!

I am thankful for friends to watch movies with, stay up with laughing, and play board games with!

Yesterday David and I met up with our good friends from George Fox (my old roommate, Keri, and her husband, Josh) and watched "Flight" at Cinetopia. (Horrible movie, FYI. I would not recommend it. The entire movie is about Denzel's Washington's character's drinking problem. Seriously. Two and a half hours of that. Shoo.)

It was a fun experience to have together though. Keri and I kept whispering in the theater saying it was not at all what we expected. Hilarious.

Then, we went to their cute little Newberg house and watched the Duck and Beaver games, while playing cards and a board game called Qwirkle. It was really fun!

We ended up hanging out with them until 2:30 in the morning. We were all up talking and dreaming about business ideas and watching videos of Keri and me as freshman. Oh man were we weird haha!

We had such a great time and I am thankful for their Godly, fun, hilarious, close friendship.

It's amazing how God can orchestrate people into our lives (freshman roommates) that can be such long-lasting, amazing friends! 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week 5: Down 4.8!

What an awesome way to start and end a new week! I was excited to step on the scale today because I knew I had made healthy food choices this week, and paired with all the walking I do at work, I knew I was taking steps in the right direction of weight loss Steps...walking a lot... Get it? :)

But really, the impact of the food we eat is crazy. We aren't garbage disposals. The more bad food we eat, the worse we will feel. The better the food is for us, the better we feel. It's a simple concept that trips so many people up. Believe me, eating chicken and salads every day makes me want to scream. But I'd rather eat those salads and see the changes taking place in my body than inhale a few items from Taco Bell and feel horrible, guilty, and unhealthy later.

I lost 4.8 pounds this week. With this weeks weigh in, I've lost 26 pounds! In the last 5 weeks, I've lost about 17! It's amazing what a little sacrifice, dedication, and motivation can do.

(PS. David lost 3 pounds this week and has a total weight loss of 32 pounds!!)

November Daily Thanksfuls

Good morning all and happy November! Can you believe we are just a few shorts weeks from Christmas?! Where has the year gone? So many fun memories in 2012, and SO SO SO much to be thankful for. I've seen a lot of people posting their daily Thanksfuls for November and I wanted to too. Each day I will post one thing I'm thankful for. I encourage you to do the same. :)

November 1: I am thankful for spontaneous double dates that end with us spending hours talking and catching up (until 2 am to be exact!)

November 2: I am thankful for a job that has blessed me with so many opportunities, promotions, experience and friends

Stay tuned for each thankful! :)