This is the first time in 15 years that I will not experience a first day of school. I went Preschool through my three years of college and that's it. I have finished school, unless I decide to get my Masters down the road (which I have been considering for a bit now). It's crazy that something that has been consistent for 15 years is suddenly complete. Wow.
I started thinking back through my 15 years of education and had a few memories from each year stand out. I wanted to share those memories with you, and encourage you to share your memories back! :)
I remember in...
Preschool: Lying on the squares of carpet, pretending to nap but staring at the hallway instead. Boys in my class used to hide in the cupboards of a rolling cart for some reason. My classmates and I got to take turns bringing something for snack time. When my name was selected, I brought Goldfish, and my teacher noticed me making them "swim" into my mouth and announced to the class how silly it was. To this day, I still make Goldfish swim into my mouth.
Kindergarden: I met some friends that I have carried throughout most of my life. I remember sitting on the carpet and playing with covered foam blocks and painting on easels for the first time. I also remember getting in trouble for washing the paint brushes in the bathroom sink and not the other sink. Some boy drew on the bathroom walls with his poop.
First grade: I accidently spelled train like "trayn" but was placed in a high reading group. Wore forest green sweat pants and pig-embroidered overalls to school (I literally wore the sweat pants, like every day).
Second grade: I learned to spell "because" using a song I still sing in my head today. B-e-ca-use. Hmm, doesn't really make sense without the beat, but still, it's a good song. :)
Third grade: I was transfered out of Mrs. O'Brien's class because it was too easy. I learned how to write in cursive in Mrs. Stroh's class
Fourth grade: Mrs. Anderson's class was in the portables... my first class outside of the main building. I stayed home sick from school one day and Ali had to come home sick because she threw up her Rice Krispies on the playground before school started
Fifth grade: Read Where the Red Fern Grows and hated it. My classmates and I found out a cool way to make a recliner out of our desk chairs by flipping them over and using our backpacks as a cushion
Sixth grade: First year in middle school. We walked to school with our friend Rachel (who we met before Kindergarden). I went to Outdoor School and Mom allowed Ali and I to wear a light layer of mascara and lip gloss
Seventh grade: First year as a three sport athlete. This love of sports (volleyball, basketball and track) would continue up until my freshman year in college). Our English teacher, Mrs. Carlson, told Ali and I in front the entire class that we were her "fashion icons." Some days, we would come to school and she would be wearing the same outfit as us. Seriously
Eighth grade: Ran for student council for RHS, didn't get it because of a boy named Dennis. Had to write an apology letter to Mrs. Carlson because Ali, Yianna and I laughed when a guy named Moon was dancing in the hallway ,when we should have been listening to her read something to us. Avoided detention, but this was the closest I ever got (proud to say that I have NEVER received a detention)
Freshman year: Started my first year at Reynolds High School. Got involved with FCA and began journalism classes
Sophomore year: Got on Sophomore class council because I told ASB (who was deciding class council) that I could be a kitchen utensil I would be a spork, because they are unique. Pretty solid answer don't you think? I had Taco Bell on my mind, obviously. Also, almost broke the school record with my 4x4 relay team for track.
Junior year: Got on ASB, first time I was varsity in all three of my sports
Senior year: Graduated Valedictorian, Lettered in three sports, ASB again (involved with 11 extracurricular activities), prom princess, homecoming princess, a part of Relay for Life planning committee (that year we raised over $38,000), editor-in-chief for the school paper, wrote an article that made my teachers cry (not in a good way)
Freshman year at George Fox University: Straight A student (A- though in Environmental Science with Chinchi Chen), met a really, really, really cute boy named David Green playing volleyball during our Serve Day carnival. Met him again during our Intro. to Video class and fell in love. David told me he was falling in love with me, and that I should love him too, after knowing him for three days. :) :)
Sophomore year at GFU: Had a radio show for the second year in a row, was R.A. for 19 girls in Coffin 3W, summitted the Middle Sister in Sisters, OR, played intramural sports for the second year in a row
Junior/Senior year at GFU: Married my best friend and love of my life, David, in May of that year. Honeymooned to Hawaii for 14 days. Moved into our first apartment and could walk to classes. Got our first pet, a fish named Huckleberry Finn, graduated with honors (3.88 GPA) and Lambda Pi Eta honors, worked on the school paper as an editor, had a radio show with David.
First year out of school: David and I moved out of Newberg and into a two bedroom condo that we love. I was promoted at work and David became full-time at Apple, our niece turned three (today!) and our nephew was born (on Aug. 22), my sister moved to Germany and won't be back until December, and we went on a road trip to Idaho.
Needless to say, I am excited to see his plan for us as graduates of the educational system.